You are here: Gaming > Maxetag > Maxetag Settings

Maxetag Settings

Before you can use the interface, you will need to configure some settings.


POS Terminals

Go to Setup > POS Terminals > Modify each POS with GI module > Clerks/Customer Readers > Customer Reader > Select Maxetag > Select COM Port reader is plugged into.



Global Options

Go to Setup > Global Options > Interfaces > Gaming Interface.

Interface Type – Maxetag

Redeem Tender – Select the Tender that you created for Points.

UsernameThis will be supplied by Global Gaming.

PasswordWill be supplied by Global Gaming.

IP Address/Host – This is the IP Address of the host PC that has eBet installed.

Add Members to POS – Select this field to add the members to the Idealpos Database if they are not already.

Code Length – This is the length of the Code that will be entered into the Idealpos database.

Customer Type – This is the Customer Type the new members will be added to in Idealpos.

Update Customer Type from Member Rating Grade – Check this if you want the Customer to be added to the relevant Rating Customer Type

Use Price Level Schedule – Check this if you want to use the Price Level Schedule function.

Redemptions treated as Discounts – Toggle this setting on or off.

Trigger Card Swipe manually using [ ; ] Prefix - This setting will trigger any input received via the Keyboard Wedge which contains this prefix as a Card Swipe.